Coming out to your parents can be scary, in some cases, it can fundamentally change your relationship with them and other family members. It is a deeply personal experience for all of us and often takes a lot of forethought and planning. We have put together some tips for you to consider when approaching your parents which can hopefully help ease any anxiety you might have.

1 – Be Calm
It can be hard to keep your emotions in check when discussing things of great import to you. It is vital however that you try to keep a cool head during discussions. Part of this will be coming to terms with what reaction you expect from your family and how that reaction will impact you emotionally.
2 – Preparation
When and where are you planning to come out? If it is during a major holiday or family event, you may want to reconsider and set aside some time to speak to them on a more casual day. Emotions can run high during celebrations already and it might be to your benefit not to add fuel to the fire.
3 – Exit Strategy
If you are expecting a negative reaction, it is important to ensure a safe exit from the situation. Make sure you have your own transport home, and if you still live with your family make sure you have made appropriate arrangements that could include a place to stay temporarily.